Through changing times, radio is still vital. Radio is still a winner. You wouldn’t be on this page if you didn’t think so! Let’s be honest, though, programming budgets aren’t what they used to be, and as radio programmers, we wish we had the budgets to have talented, live, full-time bodies in every daypart.
Good news—you don’t have to skimp on quality, even when you have to skimp on cost in this “lean machine” era of station staffing. The answer: quality remote voicetracking. Voicetracking that meets the needs of your audience and your budget; voicetracking that sounds human, and sounds local.
Sounding local isn’t always easy, but truth be told, in this day and age it has never been easier. Whether it’s taking an interest in the local sports franchises, following the local news and knowing the local issues that affect your audience’s lives, or learning the favorite landmarks and hotspots of each market, I can provide you with a daily show that you’d swear was done by someone who’s right in town. I'll work closely with you to determine the needs of your audience and the kind of show you want. (Furthermore, you'll know the content of every show before it airs, I won’t leave your studio a mess or leave the headphone jack cranked too loud and you won’t have to pay for my parking garage pass!)
Whether you need to receive your tracks the day before or day of, whether you prefer to receive your tracks via email, your company FTP or otherwise, I am rarely more than feet away from a microphone and recording software, from the home studio to the radio studio. If local news breaks, fresh new content can be cut and shipped to you and on your air in minutes. Whether you need a workplace-friendly midday guy, an afternoon ace, a night rocker, mysterious man of the overnight, or a weekend warrior, I can handle it. Whether you want me to be Leif Erickson, or another nom de plume for your market, it’s completely flexible. Depending on location and availability, occasional travel to your home market for station appearances is also negotiable when I am on your station!
Please take a moment to listen to my collection of demos. I am taking on a limited number of new clients. Let’s talk about how I can provide solid air work for your station on a budget, and let me cut a sample show for you.
Samples of my work on my primary radio station, WFNK in Portland, ME.
Sample of an Oldies-type delivery on the former WWOD-FM, White River Jct, VT, where I voicetracked for 8 1/2 years under the name Leon Strong.